TECHNOLOGY | Continental Field Service
CFS developed the proprietary eOffice project management system ten years ago and provides it exclusively to our clients. eOffice is able to handle the largest and most complex Right of Way projects in the nation. It is currently in use with the California High Speed Rail, where it is used for right of way document and data management from surveys and mapping all the way through condemnation.

The CFS eOffice provides instant communication between the thousands of people working on the project, the multitude of state and federal agencies and all for the consultants. The system is accessible 24/7 from smart phones, laptops or tablets. The eOffice is a secure system that houses all documents and provides up to the minute statuses on all phases of Appraisal and ROW delivery.

At the start of each project, CFS immediately creates a delivery schedule for review and approval. The delivery schedule highlights areas of critical concern and complex parcels are identified so that work can commence on these parcels as early as possible. All milestones are entered in to the eOffice to allow for careful monitoring of all deliverables, so that risks can be corrected before they become delays to the schedule.

eOffice provides instant updates via email and updates all reports as statuses change. All CFS Team members are equipped with cell phones and laptops so everyone is always on the same page when it comes to project delivery. In addition to providing clients with access to the CFS eOffice for up to the minute status for each parcel, status reports that include every deliverable for each parcel are provided weekly.

CFS can also make the eOffice available to other consultants aligned with the project. The CFS Project Team is always available to meet and welcomes the opportunity for regularly scheduled meetings in order to stay informed of changing project demands and to ensure that all milestones are met.

All project personnel assigned to projects have extensive experience working with government agencies on large transportation projects. Most key staff members have agency experience as well as consultant experience. All services performed are done so in strict accordance with all client requirements and federal, state and local regulations. The CFS team works diligently to avoid going to condemnation. Of the hundreds of acquisitions that CFS has worked on in the past five years, none have gone to trial. CFS works with the government agencies, legal counsel and the property owners until we can come to an agreement.